Summer 2018 Class Schedule is now Posted!  Visit "Class Schedule" in the menu bar for details.

Dance Policies

Registration: I understand that a one-time registration fee of $20.00 per child for the year 2018 is required to reserve a space for all dance students and additional family members are $10 per child. I understand that this fee is non-refundable. I understand that drop in fees are $15.00 per class and are non-refundable.
Tuition & Late Fees: I understand that tuition is due on or before the first day of classes. I understand that tuition is charged per class per student and students who take more than one class are eligible for the second, class discount. I understand that tuition must be paid in order for the child to participate in dance class and if tuition is not paid on time that my child will be removed from dance class. I understand tuition that is not paid on time will automatically be charged a $15.00 late fee by the 10th of the month. I understand that tuition fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. I understand that a returned check fee is $25.00. I understand that if my check is returned, that I can only pay with cash, cashier’s check or money order. I understand that monthly tuition must be paid up front with checks made for each monthly fee or I must have a card on file (no exceptions). I understand that I must give notice of my child dropping a class by the 10th of the month or I will be responsible for paying the entire month’s tuition.

Holidays: Spring Break March 19-23, 2018. There are no makeups for Spring Break as tuition was calculated without it.

Attendance & Make-ups: I understand that attendance is taken in every class. I understand that I should call the studio in advance of my child’s absence and that make-ups for such absences must be scheduled with my child’s teacher or the Studio Owner. I understand that if class is cancelled by the teacher, that the teacher will be responsible for making up the class. I understand that if a class is cancelled due to weather or other conditions, the studio is responsible for making up these classes by the end of the semester.
Snow Days: SAFETY is the studio’s utmost concern. I understand that the dance studio will POST on a snow day by 1 p.m. on a FUSD school declared snow day if classes are canceled. I understand that I should call and check the message recorder for information and messages. I understand that if my child misses class due to inclement weather, illness or holiday, they may make that class up at another time as listed above. I understand that snow days will also be posted on the studio website and face-book pages as well. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE STUDIO DOES NOT INDIVIDUALLY CALL UNLESS IT’S AN EMERGENCY.

Parent Observations: I understand that as a parent, I may only observe my child’s class thru the windows. I understand that I am not allowed to enter the studio without an invitation from the teacher and in doing so I will not wear my shoes onto the studio floors. I understand that I should not distract my child while they are in dance class, open the door to the studio or tap on the observation window. I understand that I am responsible for my children’s behavior while inside the studio, lobby and/or bathrooms including family siblings.

Dress Code: I understand that dance students must dress appropriately for dance class. I understand that jeans are never allowed in dance class. I understand that my child’s hair should be pulled back and out of their face. I understand that my child is not to wear their dance shoes outside of the studio and that no street shoes will be allowed inside on the studio floor. I understand that all dance items should be labeled. I understand that students must wear the appropriate footwear to participate in dance class. I understand that students who are not dressed out properly for dance will not be allowed to participate in class! I understand the dress code as follows:

Ballet Pink tights, pink leather, ballet slippers and black leotard. Ballet skirts, shorts, or cover-ups are allowed at the teacher’s discretion. Hair must be worn in a bun.
Jazz  Black jazz pants, leggings, capris or tights, tan jazz shoes, solid, color leotard or camisole. No loose, T-shirts allowed. Long hair should be pulled up in a bump, ponytail, French braid or bun.
Tap Black tap shoes, any solid color top and warm-up pants. Long hair should be worn out of your face, either in a ponytail, bun or French braid.
Lyrical or Contemporary Tan, lyrical footies and loose clothing. Hair must be worn up.
Hip Hop Black hip-hop sneakers, warm-ups (NO STREET SHOES OR JEANS) and hair should be out of your face.

Class Descriptions: I understand that students must be able to perform the required skills in order to participate and will be placed only by teacher recommendations and are subject to the approval of the Studio Owner/Director. I understand that dancers in the Preschool, P & K age classes must be potty trained and willing to go into the studio without their parent.

Recital: I understand that performing in the recital is optional. I understand that if I do choose for my child to participate in the show(s), that there are extra costs for costuming, rehearsals, tickets and pictures. I understand that all fees must be paid in full and on time. I understand that my child must attend all rehearsals for the recital as scheduled in order to perform in the show.

Misc: I understand that my child must wait inside the studio for parent pick-up. I understand that I must notify the studio if someone else is picking my child up after class. I understand that teachers, who must wait for my child to be picked up 15 minutes or more after class, will be charge a $10/per minute sitting fee. I understand that my child should not show up for dance class until 15 minutes prior to the class start time. I understand that in case of an emergency, I should contact the studio office as soon as possible.